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Chainlink CCIP Release Notes

v1.0.0 deprecated on mainnet - 2024-04-01

CCIP v1.0.0 is no longer supported on mainnet. You must use the new router addresses listed in the CCIP v1.2.0 configuration page.

Wemix and Kroma - 2024-03-11

Chainlink CCIP is publicly available on Wemix and Kroma for both mainnet and testnet.

v1.0.0 deprecated on testnet - 2024-02-07

CCIP v1.0.0 is no longer supported on testnet. You must use the new router addresses listed in the CCIP v1.2.0 configuration page.

v1.2.0 release on mainnet - 2024-01-15

  • There is no change to the router interface, but you must use the new router addresses listed in the CCIP v1.2.0 configuration page.

  • Added support for USDC transfers. USDC transfers are currently supported on the following lanes:

    • From Ethereum Mainnet to Avalanche Mainnet.
    • From Ethereum Mainnet to Arbitrum Mainnet.
    • From Ethereum Mainnet to Base Mainnet.
    • From Ethereum Mainnet to Optimism Mainnet.
    • From Optimism Mainnet to Base Mainnet.
    • From Optimism Mainnet to Ethereum Mainnet.
    • From Avalanche Mainnet to Ethereum Mainnet.
    • From Base Mainnet to Arbitrum Mainnet.
    • From Base Mainnet to Optimism Mainnet.
    • From Base Mainnet to Ethereum Mainnet.

    Refer to the Supported Networks to get a specific lane's token addresses and rate limits.

  • We've simplified the message sequencing process in our CCIP message handling by removing the strict sequencing flag from the extraArgs field in CCIP messages.

  • The gas limit and maximum message data length for CCIP messages have been adjusted on mainnets. These changes are detailed in the Service Limits documentation.

  • To interact with CCIP v1.2.0 , use the @chainlink/contract-ccip npm package.

Arbitrum Sepolia - 2023-12-15

Chainlink CCIP is publicly available on Arbitrum Sepolia.

See the CCIP testnet configuration page for more information.

v1.2.0 release on testnet - 2023-12-08

  • There is no change to the router interface, but you must use the new router addresses listed in the CCIP v1.2.0 configuration page.

  • Added support for USDC transfers. USDC transfers are currently supported on the following lanes:

    • From Optimism Goerli to Avalanche Fuji.
    • From Optimism Goerli to Base Goerli.
    • From Avalanche Fuji to Optimism Goerli.
    • From Avalanche Fuji to Base Goerli.
    • From Base Goerli to Optimism Goerli.
    • From Base Goerli to Avalanche Fuji.

    Refer to the Supported Networks to get a specific lane's token addresses and rate limits.

  • We've simplified the message sequencing process in our CCIP message handling by removing the strict sequencing flag from the extraArgs field in CCIP messages.

  • The gas limit and maximum message data length for CCIP messages have been adjusted on testnets. These changes are detailed in the Service Limits documentation.

  • To interact with CCIP v1.2.0 , use the @chainlink/contract-ccip npm package.

Arbitrum Goerli - 2023-11-17

Arbitrum Goerli is no longer supported.

Arbitrum Sepolia support will be added at a later date.

New mainnets - 2023-09-27

Added BNB and Base mainnets:

  • BNB mainnet.
  • Base mainnet.

See the supported networks page for more information.

New mainnet - 2023-09-21

Added Arbitrum mainnet:

  • Arbitrum mainnet.

See the supported networks page for more information.

New testnets - 2023-08-25

Added BNB and Base testnets:

  • BNB testnet.
  • Base Goerli.

See the supported networks page for more information.

Testnet GA release - 2023-07-20

Chainlink CCIP is publicly available on the following testnet chains:

  • Ethereum Sepolia.
  • Optimism Goerli.
  • Avalanche Fuji.
  • Arbitrum Goerli.
  • Polygon Mumbai.

See the supported networks page for more information.

Mainnet Early Access - 2023-07-17

Chainlink CCIP is available on the following networks:

  • Ethereum mainnet.
  • Optimism mainnet.
  • Avalanche mainnet.
  • Polygon mainnet.

See the supported networks page for more information.

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